When I was young, illness was marked by the arrival of Lucozade (in those days, in a glass bottle with orange film).

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Really?!!?!? Ahahah I can't imagine Lucozade when I was sick. Was it a special treat? I just googled it and apparently there is a school of thought out there that Lucozade may be good for colds! You learn something new everyday...

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I assume it was the glucose. It was invented to give “energy” to sick people…

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I might try it tbh

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You are right, Sadie was very beautiful.

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A super timely and relevant post! I’ve been anti-AI and ChatGPT for a while (mostly writer/creative’s ego) but my time at work is so full of mundane tasks that ChatGPT has aptly helped me do saving a lot of time and struggle in the process. And I kind of enjoy the mental challenge in instructing AI to listen to your needs! Very sorry to hear about Sadie - I hope she lived a happy life and you with her! ❤️

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Oh interesting! I feel I'm not using it enough for mundane tasks... little things like writing invoices, I figure I might as well do because I have a template but it might be worth trying it with Chat GPT

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Yep Lucozade was my go to...makes me feel a bit queasy now though. I'm going to check out ChatGPT. Condolences for your loss of the beautiful Sadie 🙏 and hoping you'll soon feel lurgy free ✨️

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So sorry about lovely Sadie. Losing a pet is the worst sort of heartbreak.

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So many relatable moments here: I buy Coco Puffs with almond milk when I'm ill. It’s like soup, but dessert - the perfect combo of comfort and technically eating something.

The best way to use ChatGPT imo is to ask how [your favorite writer] would phrase what you're trying to articulate. It's perfect when you are stuck or trying to find the right vibe, or for writers who are still finding their voice.

Also, I'm sorry for your loss :( Sadie did have the most beautiful doggo eyes

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I love the sound of Coco Puffs! my flatmate gets chocolate flavoured milk when she needs comfort.

Interesting.... yes I think ChatGPT is really good for when you are stuck. And thanks for your comments on dear Sadie! she really was a beaut! x

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I have truly never, ever used Chat GPT, partly because I’m always the last person to embrace technology and partly sheer stubbornness BUT I also concede it would probably be helpful and save me a lot of time in some circumstances without actually doing my job for me. I never even thought about using AI for things like preparing interview questions. So clever!

Also, a lengthy interview not recording is truly my nightmare. I fear it every single time 😭

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Yeah, I don't know if it's making me any quicker... yet. I'll let you know. The worrying thing is it really is addictive... you start to ask it to do all these things just to see if it can... plus it's so nice! and encouraging! and enthusiastic!

Oh my goodness honestly, when I realised it hadn't record... I just... well, it was not a good day, let me tell you.

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Sorry to hear you are ill, I too am typing this from my own sickbed. I have found Chat GPT very helpful for life coaching and processing through decisions! As long as I articulate the prompts well it has been so useful for this.

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Oh I hope you get better soon. Ooh, I had not thought of it for processing through decisions.. I should try this. Honestly, soon I'll be getting Chat GPT to live for me lol!

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