Yes! I remember having to quit a two-week internship at a magazine once because a week in, I literally couldn't afford the tube fare to get to the office and they didn't cover expenses at all. To be honest, the only reason I was able to become a writer was through the contacts I made on Instagram. I'm working class with no family in the south of England, so on paper, I technically shouldn't have made it this far. Without social media, I wouldn't have wangled my way in – financially it would have been impossible. Unpaid internships should be illegal.

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They really should... especially when these big old corporations can definitely afford to pay the people who lick the envelopes etc. That's so interesting about social media... I feel we hear a lot about the evils of social media but I bet it opened doors for a lot of people who wouldn't have had them opened in the past... btw, I love your gift guides... I'm yearning for one of the paper plants you recommended, they are so beautiful x

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Oh thank you! I can also highly recommend Plants For Shade, they're different but just as gorge and they're made in London.

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"Which brings me to what is most troubling about work experience and internships: they ensure that certain industries are reserved for the privileged." I hadn't thought of it this way, but yes, that's exactly it. You have to have some support if you're going to work for free for months right out of college. It's also easier if you've not racked up six digits of debt while getting said degree.

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